Meet Sadie! She is a beautiful 10-year-old black Labrador Retriever with a soft, shiny coat and a tail that never stops wagging! Sadie was surrendered to WCLRR when her family experienced some unforeseen circumstances and felt they could no longer provide for her. Sadie has had a complete veterinary exam and bloodwork with good results. She had several lipomas removed when she came to WCLRR. Sadie is on inexpensive medication for her arthritis that reduces her pain.

Sadie is a low-to-medium-activity dog. Her foster describes her as happy, calm, and friendly. If she catches someone sitting on the floor, she will lie on her back so she can get belly rubs! She is delighted to hang out with her people but perks right up when another dog wants to wrestle or play tug of war! She loves her bones and toys and has a basket at her foster home to choose from. Sadie also loves riding in the car. She jumps right in and settles down for the trip.

Sadie’s favorite time of the day is her walk around the neighborhood. She loves greeting new people and dogs on her walks. Sadie keeps up a pretty good pace, but her foster limits her walks to 10-15 minutes due to her arthritis. Sadie’s foster describes her as perfect on a leash and has even let a child walk Sadie with no problem. Sadie gets excited when getting leashed up for the walk but settles down quickly.

Sadie is very friendly and is good with all people. In her foster home, she has been around children as young as five and is very gentle. Sadie has spent time at her foster’s office and is the perfect guest and greeter to anyone who comes by.

Sadie lives with several dogs and a cat. She gets along well with the smaller dogs in the home and loves playing with the young lab she lives with. However, Sadie’s foster says sometimes Sadie will casually walk by another dog, snatch away their toy, and then walk away as if nothing happened! She gets away with this sometimes, but not always! Sadie is also great with the cat and barely notices him when he walks around the house.

Sadie is learning “sit,” and she takes treats gently. She has half of her fetching down pat. Sadie will chase after a toy but is not great about bringing it back to you. However, she does have excellent recall and always responds when her foster calls her.

Sadie is 100% house-trained and mastered the dog door on the first day in her foster home. She is crate trained, but her foster doesn’t use one because of Sadie’s constantly wagging “happy tail,” and her foster doesn’t want Sadie to injure herself.

Sadie has a favorite bed where she sleeps but will also try different spots. She sleeps quietly through the night and has access to a dog door if she needs to go out while her foster sleeps.

Sadie has recently started counter surfing but only does it when her foster is walking another dog in the neighborhood. Her foster reports that Sadie is very sneaky about this because the “counter prizes” will be found in another dog’s mouth. The foster realized it was Sadie doing the surfing when she caught her on camera!

Sadie is spayed, is current on her vaccines, and is microchipped.