Meet Winston! He is a lovable four- or five-year-old male yellow Labrador Retriever mix with a beautifully soft, blond coat and gorgeous golden eyes. Winston was surrendered to WCLRR when his family moved and couldn’t take him with them. Winston is a tall boy and weighs around 135 lbs. When he came to WCLRR, he had a complete exam and lab work. He had an ear infection being treated, and he could lose some weight, but otherwise, he is in excellent health.

Winston LOVES being with his people. He wants nothing more than to be snuggled, petted, and kissed, and he gives kisses back! Winston is quiet but will let his people know when someone approaches a gate or comes to the door. He can be a little shy when first meeting people, but he warms up quickly and will soon be asking for attention and pets.

Winston is a medium-activity dog that loves to play fetch, swim in the pool, and chew on bones. Unfortunately, Winston is overweight, and his foster has him on a diet to reduce those extra pounds. Like people, excess weight on dogs impacts their mobility, joints, and overall health. Therefore, Winston’s new family should continue a diet regime to ensure that he has a long, healthy life.

Winston lives with a cat, a small dog, and several labs; they all get along well. He might grumble a bit if another dog steals his ball, but he doesn’t do anything more.

Winston is house-trained and is an intelligent boy! He figured out the dog door within a few minutes. Winston understands “sit” and “lay down.” He does well on the leash, with minor corrections if he gets sidetracked, sniffing something along the way.

Winston sleeps in a dog bed in his foster’s bedroom. He sleeps quietly through the night and gets up with his people.

Winston’s ideal home would be with an active individual, couple, or family that will spend time snuggling with him and taking him on walks or hikes to help him keep his weight down. Winston is an easy-going love bug. He wants to be part of the pack, whether with people, dogs, or both. Winston is sensitive to stress, so that a quiet environment would be best for him. He is a big dog and would be best in a home with older children. He is calm and would be okay with older people.

Winston is up to date on his vaccinations, neutered, and microchipped.